ext {
* @Default false
* Executes all injecting processes of MPM.
* All execution processes are ignored if set to true.
IMQAStop = false
* @Default true
* Allows activity lifecycle injecting.
* The activity map is hidden if set to false.
IMQALifecycle = true
* @Default true
* Allows event listener injecting.
* Event information is not collected if set to false.
IMQAEventListener = true
* @Default false
* Allows injecting related to WebView.
* HTTP/S requests in the WebView are not collected if set to false.
IMQAWebview = false
* @Default true
* Sets whether to collect fragments or not.
* The rendering speed of the fragment is not collected if set to false.
IMQAFragment = true
* @Default true
* Wraps the network collection method.
* Network-related response speed is not collected if set to false.
IMQANetwork = true
* @Default ""
* You can manually set the flavor of the current build environment.
* The plugin automatically searches if not set.
IMQAFlavor = "debug";
* @Default "/build/intermediates/manifests/full/"
* You can manually set the manifest location of the current build environment.
* The plugin automatically searches if not set.
IMQAManifestLocation = "/build/intermediates/manifests/full/"
* @Default true
* Sets repackaging mode.
* Injection is performed during compilation if set to false.
IMQARepackaging = false
* @Default true
* Automatically uploads a mapping file when it is created.
* If not set, “mapping.txt” for each app version should be uploaded by connecting to IMQA.
IMQAMappingUpload = true
* @Default ""
* Sets the project key for the current app.
* Additional setting is required to upload the “mapping.txt” file properly.
* An upload failure message may appear in the build log if not set.
IMQAProjectKey = "";
* @Default "http://mpm.imqa.io"
* Input the host name to upload the “mapping.txt” file.
* Additional setting is required to upload the “mapping.txt” file properly.
* An upload failure message may appear in the build log if not set.
IMQAMapUploadServer = "http://mpm.imqa.io"
MPM Run Option
IMQA MPMモードをパラメータやOptionを利用して変更することができます。
public void onCreate() {
io.imqa.core.IMQAOption imqaOption = new io.imqa.core.IMQAOption();
* Default value : true
* Sets execution mode.
* true: Runs in release mode only.
* false: Runs in debug mode only.
* Default value : false
* Sets whether to output the log.
* true: Outputs the IMQA log.
* Default value : 5000 (ms)
* Sets the dump interval in ms (milliseconds).
* Default value: 5 (minutes).
* Sets the interval of saving dumps in a file in minutes.
* Default value: false
* Sets whether to upload a file periodically.
* true: Uploads a file according to the FileInterval while the app is running.
* false: Uploads collected data while executing the app again.
* Deprecated
* Default value: true
* Sets the function of collecting information related to the socket.
* true: Collects and saves network communication information using the socket while the app is running.
* false: The IMQA socket collection function is not set.
* Default value: true
* Sets the function of collecting information related to the socket.
* true: Collects and saves network communication information using the socket while the app is running.
* false: The IMQA socket collection function is not set.
* Default value: true
* Sets the function of collecting HTTP related information.
* true: Collects and saves HTTP information while the app is running.
* false: The IMQA HTTP collection function is not set.
* Default value: true
* Sets whether to leave the measured performance file until upload is successful.
* true: Keeps the file inside until the upload is successful.
* false: The file is deleted even if upload fails.
* Default value: false
* Establishes HTTPS communication by ignoring the certificate (SSL) of the upload server.
* true: Ignores the certificate and establishes HTTPS communication.
* false: Checks the certificate and establishes HTTPS communication.
* Default value : null
* Sets the end date.
* Date: End date
* Default value : false
* Gets option settings from the server. Requests to the collection server set with setServerUrl.
* Sets as the highest priority option. If not responded, it will be operated with the option set in the code.
* true: Gets options from the server.
* false: Operates with the option set in the code.
* Default value : 3000
* Sets a time-out when getting remote server options.
* When a time-out occurs, it operates with the option set in the code.
* int : timeout (ms)
* 기본값 : ArrayList<Integer>
* Sets the OS version to run.
* int : Running OS version
* Default value : OSProhibit
* Does not activate the SDK under the version in question.
* int : Running OS version
* Default value : ArrayList<String>
* Sets the app version to run.
* String : Running app version
* Default value : null
* Specifies the URL that will be excluded from collection.
* By default, host and pathname will apply. Query value match can be added as an option.
* String : Target url
* boolean : query matching status (e.g.,: After the question mark (?) in https://abc.com/search?foo=bar)
imqaOption.getURLBlacklist().addBlacklistURL("https://abc.com/search", false);
* Default value : ArrayList<AccessPoint>
* Sets the app version to run.
* One AP for each AccessPoint object. If no unique value is set among three options, it will be deemed true.
* As SSID and BSSID require location authority,
* “ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION” or “ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION” should be added to use this authority.
* AccessPoint: Active SSID, BSSID, IP
io.imqa.core.network.AccessPoint ap = new io.imqa.core.network.AccessPoint();
* Default value : 10
* Sets the maximum usage of dump data.
* int : Maximum usage (in MB)
* Default value : 15
* Sets the maximum number of behavior analysis data.
* int: maximum count
* Default value : 'IMQA-ADDITIONAL-KEY'
* Inputs additional header information when establishing HTTP communication.
* String: Name of the additional header key
imqaOption.setAdditionalHeader(true, "MY-HEADER");
// or
.setOption(imqaOption) // Sets the option to decide the MPM operation method.
.setContext(this, BuildConfig.FLAVOR) // Initializes the application context.
.setProjectKey("PROJECT_KEY") // Sets the project key of the IMQA MPM client.
.init() // Initializes the registered options.
// apply plugin: 'io.imqa' // Should be deactivated for independent execution.
// You must manually insert this part because auto-insert function is canceled.
dependencies {
implementation 'io.imqa:imqa-core:2.27.5'
implementation 'io.imqa:imqa-mpm-client:2.27.9'
implementation 'io.imqa:imqa-crash-client:2.27.5'
// Creates with a constructor because it is a plugin object (uses static internally.)
io.imqa.IMQAPlugin imqaPlugin = new io.imqa.IMQAPlugin()
// Sets basic IMQA options (IMQAOption, BuildOption, imqa-service.json.)
// Creates with a constructor because it is an action object (uses static internally.)
// Reflects IMQA options in app.gradle. Reflects the basic information of the development environment (build tool, variants, etc.). Inserts IMQA dependency automatically.
new io.imqa.injector.GJavacAction(project.name).setConfiguration(project)
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
// A variable name must be inserted into doLast Lamda when setting.
// If the variable name is not specified, an error occurs because the built-in gradle “task” is called.
variant.javaCompile.doLast { task ->
// Executes CompileAction at the current location based on the above settings.
// If there are Kotlin codes in the project, add the codes below:
new io.imqa.injector.CompileAction(
io.imqa.injector.GJavacAction.makeFlavor(variant.getBuildType().name, variant)
// Gradle 3.2 ~ 3.4, 4.0, 4.1 : io.imqa.injector.util.BuildOption.BUILD_LOCATION_TYPE.javacCompileClasses
// Gradle 3.5 and later io.imqa.injector.util.BuildOption.BUILD_LOCATION_TYPE.javacClasses
// Other versions: io.imqa.injector.util.BuildOption.BUILD_LOCATION_TYPE.classes
new io.imqa.injector.CompileAction(
io.imqa.injector.GJavacAction.makeFlavor(variant.getBuildType().name, variant)
// Add MPMInterceptor to OkHttpClient
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addNetworkInterceptor(new MPMInterceptor())
// Run OkHttpClient with the added interceptor
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
// Add MPMInterceptor to OkHttpClient
val builder : OkHttpClient.Builder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
val client : OkHttpClient = IMQAManager.wrapOkhttp(builder)
// Run OkHttpClient with the added interceptor.
val response : Response = client.newCall(request).execute()
2. Retrofit 2.0
// Add MPMInterceptor to OkHttpClient
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addNetworkInterceptor(new MPMInterceptor())
new Retrofit.Builder()
.client(client) // Use OkHttpClient with the added interceptor
// Add MPMInterceptor to OkHttpClient
val builder : OkHttpClient.Builder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
val client : OkHttpClient = IMQAManager.wrapOkhttp(builder)
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
.client(client) // Use OkHttpClient with the added interceptor
// The downloader that MPMInterceptor is added in advance should be inserted before initializing Picasso's Singleton instance.
new Picasso.Builder(this)
.downloader(new OkHttp3Downloader(
new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor(new MPMInterceptor())