Performance Dashboard

You can understand the performance of each website in real time using the IMQA WPM Performance Dashboard. You can check the web summary and the main performance status as time series data, and check the overall performance of the pages visited by the user

1. Overview

The Dashboard page consists of the following:

❶ Top bar (common) ❷ Toolbar (Performance Dashboard) ❸ App summary ❹ Performance Issue rate ❺ Time series performance information ❻ Screen performance ❼ Poor performance list ❽ Recent alert list

Top bar (common)

❶ Logo Click this logo to go to the main page of the project list.

❷ WPM menu Click this menu to go to each WPM menu page.

❸ Mode change icon You can change the theme in the “Dashboard” and “UBA (User Behavior Analysis)" page. Click this icon to change the theme to “light mode” or “dark mode”.

❹ WCrash icon This icon is displayed when the Crash service is created while creating a project. Click this icon to go to “WCrash > Dashboard” of the same app.

❺ Project navigation You can move from the current project to another project. Click the [Home] icon to go to the project list. When the project is changed, you will be moved to “Service > Dashboard” of the app in question.

❻ Member menu The member menu of the logged-in account is displayed.

  • Installation guide: You can read the IMQA installation guide. A new browser tab is displayed when clicked.

  • Settings: You can change the user name and the password. You can also change the display reference time of IMQA analysis information with browser timezone.

If the logged-in user is in an environment where the time zone information cannot be automatically obtained, IMQA time information may not be displayed properly. You can manually set the browser timezone according to the GMT time zone of the connected area.

  • Language setting: You can change the display language of IMQA. You can select from Korean or English.

  • Logout: You can log out from your account.

2. Toolbar (Performance Dashboard)

❶ Dashboard information Displays the current Dashboard View mode.

❷ Project information Displays the project’s platform icon and project name.

3. Website summary information

You can check the number of users and sessions of a website for the past 24 hours.

Daily User/Daily Run Count

You can check the number of users and sessions from 00:00 on today's date to the current time.

  • Daily User: Counts the number of users for today. The count refers to the number of users alone, excluding duplicates.

  • Daily sessions: Counts the number of sessions for today.

One thousand is represented as “1K” for quick understanding. To view actual data, hover the mouse over “K” and the actual number will be displayed on a tooltip.

Avg Issue Rate/Performance Weather

You can check the Avg Issue Rate in the past 30 minutes and Performance Weather indexes.

  • Avg Issue Rate: Calculates the average problem occurrence rate in which the data rate exceeds the threshold value of each performance index (UI Rendering Time, Response Time, CPU, Memory, and crash) for the past 30 minutes.

  • Performance Weather: Displays five-level weather icons depending on the Avg Issue Rate for the past 30 minutes.

The Avg Issue Rate and Performance Weather are useful in identifying the website performance for the past 30 minutes. The performance is quickly evaluated through the top evaluation index for a website.

4. Performance Issue Rate

Displays the problem occurrence rate of five performance indexes for the past 30 minutes on a graph, including page rendering time, response time, and crash. It displays the ratio of the data that exceeds the threshold of each performance index. Comprehensive status is updated every minute.

  • Issue Rate: Calculates the problem occurrence rate by performance index for the past 30 minutes.

You can set the threshold by performance index at “Management > Project Preset”.

5. Time series performance information

Displays a time-series graph of the number of users, sessions, and crashes for the last 30 minutes as well as the average of the bottom 5% of the page load time and response time as performance metrics, and the overall average. Core Web Vitals metrics show the average over the last 30 minutes and the number at the point of lowest performance. You can check the point of performance degradation and trends of performance changes. Time series performance information is updated every minute.

Current Users & sessions

You can check and compare the user count and session count for the past 30 minutes in one-minute interval. ‘Current users & sessions’ is updated every minute.

  • User: Counts the current user that occurred for the past 30 minutes in one-minute intervals. The count refers to the number of users alone, excluding duplicates.

  • Session count: Counts the number of website accesses in the last 30 minutes at 1-min intervals. This is the number of sessions that users have accessed on your website.


You can check the number of occurred crashes for the past 30 minutes in a one-minute interval. Crash information is updated every minute.

  • Crash: Counts the number of web crashes that occurred for the past 30 minutes in one-minute intervals.

Rendering Time

You can view and compare the page load times measured on individual pages or SPA-based web browser applications at 1-min intervals for the last 30 minutes. Displays the total average and the average of bottom 5%, and the rendering time is updated every minute.

  • Bottom 5%: Calculates the rendering time of bottom 5% on average for the past 30 minutes.

  • Average: Calculates the total rendering time on average for the past 30 minutes.

The horizontal line displayed in the graph indicates the performance threshold, which enables you to easily check the time and value when the performance issue above the threshold has occurred.

The Y-axis indicates the rendering time. Bottom 5% is calculated by sorting all data collected by IMQA in the order of the longest rendering time, which enables you to compare the average rendering time with that of some users. If the difference between bottom 5% and average is small, we can see that most users experience similar website usability.

Rendering time basically refers to the amount of time it takes for a web page to load fully when the onload event of HTML is triggered. For Collecting Page Load Time in SPA-based Environment, see IMQA WPM/WCrash Installation Guide > 2.2. [WPM] SPA-only Options.

Response Time

You can check the response time for the past 30 minutes in a one-minute interval. Displays the total average and the average of bottom 5%, and the response time is updated every minute.

  • Bottom 5%: Calculates the response time of bottom 5% on average for the past 30 minutes.

  • Average: Calculates the total response time on average for the past 30 minutes.

The horizontal line displayed in the graph indicates the performance threshold, which enables you to easily check the time and value when the performance issue above the threshold has occurred.

Bottom 5% is calculated by sorting all data collected by IMQA in the order of the longest response time, which enables you to compare the time to respond to user requests on average with some performance degradation situations. If the response takes long, we can check whether there were any network or server problems at a specific time, and analyze in which environment the user experienced performance degradation in connection with “Comprehensive Status”.

Core Web Vitals

You can see the 30-min average and peak values of three Core Web Vitals metrics: LCP, FID, and CLS measured in your web browser application over the last 30 minutes. It shows the overall average and 1-min average peak, and Core Web Vitals are updated every minute.

The Core Web Vitals consists of the following:

❶ Device filter Core Web Vitals metrics collected over the last 30 minutes can be analyzed on the basis of user experience. Defaults to “All,” can be filtered by “Desktop” or “Mobile." Changing the metric updates Average and 1-min Peak as shown below.

❷ Average Averages the Values for each Core Web Vitals metric collected over the last 30 minutes. Color-coded by Google’s recommended rating labels.

❸ 1-min Peak Shows the values for each Core Web Vitals metric collected in the last 30 minutes at the time of the lowest performance. Color-coded by Google’s recommended rating labels.

Core Web Vitals refer to three metrics—LCP, FID, and CLS—which are Google’s web performance metrics for measuring user experience on the website from different aspects: load speed, interactivity, and visual stability.

6. Page performance

You can check the performance status by the page visited by the user for the past 30 minutes. You can monitor the user visit rate by page, problem occurrence rate of each performance item, and the bottom 5% and the average. Page performance is updated every minute.

The Page performance consists of the following:

❶ Performance index You can change the performance index to “Rendering Time”, “Response Time”. If you change the index, the bottom 5% and the average displayed on the screen cards below are updated.

❷ Screen Card Sorting Defaults to “By Visit Rate”; Cards can be sorted “By Visit Rate,” “By Issue Rate,” “By Bottom 5%,” or “By Average” in descending order (highest to lowest).

❸ Summary Allows for quick view of the issue rate per page visited by users in the last 30 minutes as a summarized text.

❹ Screen cards You can check the visit rate by page visited by users for the past 30 minutes, the problem occurrence rate, the bottom 5%, and the average values.


Allows for quick view of the issue rate per page visited by users in the last 30 minutes as a summarized text. A pop-up window is displayed if the [Total Screen Analysis Table] on the right is clicked.

The screen is sorted in the order of the highest visit rate, and displays the ratio of the data that exceeds the threshold set in “Manage > Project Preset” as a problem occurrence rate. The danger level is indicated in colors depending on the problem occurrence rate.

Based on this, you can check the performance degradation on the screen with a high visit rate at a glance. In addition, you can analyze performance degradation factors, such as whether the app users experienced problems in rendering on average, and whether the response to requests was slow.

Screen cards

You can check the visit rate by page visited by users for the past 30 minutes, the problem occurrence rate, the bottom 5%, and the average values. The pages are sorted according to the sorting criteria you choose. When you click on the screen card, the “Page Performance Analysis” page will be displayed.

❶ Page information Displays information from the collected pages. Shown in patterned units by URL pattern setup. Long page information can be viewed with a tooltip that appears when you hover over it.

❷ Screen name Displays the name of the page. If the screen name is too long, hover the mouse over the name to display the full name as a tooltip. You can change the screen name in such a way that it can be easily understood in IMQA by selecting “Manage > Screen Name”.

❸ Problem occurrence rate / Rate of visit / Performance information Shows the percentage of users who visited a particular screen for the last 30 minutes and the issue rate. The issue rate is color-coded according to its risk. Shows Bottom 5% and Average based on the selected performance metrics.

Based on this, you can check the performance degradation on the page with a high visit rate at a glance. In addition, you can also compare the average performance of website users with the performance of some users. You can analyze the cause of the performance degradation in detail by referring to “Performance analysis by page” of the screen where the problem was detected.

7. Poor performance list

Top crash list

Displays top 6 web crashes that have occurred most frequently for the past 30 minutes. Crashes are sorted in the order of the highest crash count. If the crash name is too long, hover the mouse over the name to display the full name as a tooltip. Top Crash List is updated every minute.

  • Crash: Displays the name of the errors.

  • Number: Cumulatively counts the number of errors in question for 30 minutes.

  • Ratio: Displays the percentage of errors in question among the errors that occurred for 30 minutes.

Top response time list

Displays top 6 URLs with the slowest response for the past 30 minutes. Crashes are sorted in the order of the fastest response time. If the URL is too long, hover the mouse over the name to display the full name as a tooltip. The Top Response Time List is updated every minute.

  • URL: Displays the requested URL.

  • Number of calls: Cumulatively counts the number of requests for the URL in question for 30 minutes.

  • Response time: Displays the response time of the URL in question.

8. Recent alert list

Displays the alert for the problem that exceeded the threshold for the past 30 minutes. You can set an alert in “Alert > Alert Policy”. Alerts are sorted in the order of the most recent alert. The alert is displayed as “The 'performance index' value in the [policy name] is at 'level of danger'”. The Recent Alert List is updated every minute.

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