Region analysis
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You can check the user environment by country and region in the IMQA MPM region analysis page. You can check the user's native UI rendering time, WebView UI rendering time, response time, and crash statistics of the users by country and region for each date and version. You can also check the extent of service failure and performance status from various angles by checking the overall service status around the world and selecting a specific country to view the detailed country or region information.
Currently, regional analysis of React Native projects is centered on native data. The component performance analysis function will be updated in the future.
The IMQA MPM region analysis page consists of the following:
❶ Filter/Country list ❷ Overview of all countries
The analysis date is set based on the “today's date,” and the app version that can be viewed is loaded as the date changes. The country list below is updated according to the selected filter (analysis date, performance index, and app version).
❶ Analysis date The analysis date is set to the “today's date” by default. You can move back up to the previous 30 days on a daily basis.
❷ Performance index - Date: The date is set to the "today's date” by default. You can move back up to the previous 30 days on a daily basis. - Performance index: Performance indexes are classified as follows:
Native UI rendering time
The average of native UI rendering time collected on the selected date and the selected version.
Bottom 5% (higher value) of native UI rendering time collected on the selected date and the selected version.
WebView UI rendering time
Average The average of WebView UI rendering time collected on the selected date and the selected version.
Bottom 5% (higher value) of WebView UI rendering time collected on the selected date and the selected version.
Response time
The average of the network response time collected on the selected date and the selected version.
Bottom 5% (higher value) of the network response time collected on the selected date and the selected version.
The number of crashes collected on the selected date and the selected version.
❸ App version Select an app version to search for. By default, it is set to the “latest app version”.
The country list consists of the following:
❶ List name Two-digit country code (ISO)
❷ Bar graph If the network response time, UI rendering time, or crash collection time is measured beyond a problematic value, IMQA determines it as a problem.
Bar colors: The ratio of the data that exceeds the threshold set in “Manage > Project Preset” is displayed as a problem occurrence rate, and the danger level is indicated in colors depending on the problem occurrence rate.
Bar length: Bar length is expressed in percentage (%) to the first element value of the country list with poor performance. In other words, the first element will always be 100%, and the length of the remaining is determined by the first element.
❸ Numbers The number of the performance index by country (crash occurrence rate in case of Crash). If you click each [country], the “Detailed country view” of the selected country will be displayed for detailed information. To return to the screen showing all countries, press [Back] or click the activated country again.
You can see a basic overview of all countries’ performance index and a graph of maximum of five countries with poor performance that requires close attention. You can check the frequency of users around the world from a large perspective.
❶ All countries ❷ Top 5 countries with poor performance
This graph expresses the information of each country collected by IMQA on a map. The graph on the left shows the highest and lowest value within the list to help you understand the overall range. If you click a particular [country] on the map, the “Detailed country view” of the selected country will be displayed for detailed information.
You can compare native UI rendering time, network response time, and number of crashes collected from each top 5 countries with poor performance every hour in the country list. The graph shows the changed trends every hour. Click the [Country legend] below to view the graph of the countries you wish to compare.
The “Detailed country view” shows the detailed conditions for each region of the selected country. The “Detailed country view” is provided at native UI rendering time, network response time, and number of crashes, and the detailed country view of crashes is not supported.
❶ Detailed country ❷ Response time by carrier / UI rendering time by manufacturer ❸ Top 5 URLs / screens with poor performance ❹ Average & bottom 5% response time / UI rendering time
This graph expresses regional information on the city collected by IMQA on a map. The country displayed on the map and its colors are the same as the standard in the list above.
Detailed regions may not be supported for some countries. For South Korea, it can be viewed by metropolitan cities and provinces (-do).
Total average: Shows the average rendering time and the response time of the country in question.
Unknown: Shows the average and the problem occurrence rate of the data without region information due to problems in the internal communication network, excluding the regional information collected by IMQA.
Problem occurrence rate: Refers to the ratio of the data that contains a value beyond the problematic value among the data collected by IMQA.
“Response Time Avg” and “Response Time P95” compare the response time by carrier. You can compare the difference in network response time among carriers, which is collected from the country in question, and the difference between the average and the P95 sectors.
You can compare the speed of painting the screen by manufacturer in the average and P95 of “Native UI Rendering” and “WebView Rendering”. You can identify the e differences in performance among devices and manufacturers even if the content is the same.
“Response time” average and P95 show 5 URLs (maximum) with the slowest response time and response time to URL connection in numbers.
The average and P95 of “Native UI Rendering” and “WebView UI Rendering” show 5 screens with the slowest UI rendering time and the UI rendering time to URL connection in numbers.
The item length is expressed in percentage (%) to the first element value of the item with poor performance. In other words, the first element will always be 100%, and the length of the remaining is determined by the first element.
“Response time” average and P95 show the total average time (Avg) of the response time and the average time of bottom 5% (P95) that are calculated every hour. The average and P95 of “Native UI Rendering” and “WebView UI Rendering” show the total average time (Avg) of the UI rendering time and the average time of bottom 5% (P95) that are calculated every hour.