The IMQA WCrash statistics page shows diversified statistical indexes based on measured errors. This page enables you to analyze how many errors have occurred in a specific app version and the user environment the error mainly occurred in. You can also analyze by class, device, browser, and page.
1. Overview
The IMQA WCrash statistics screen consists of the following.
❶ Daily Errors ❷ Rate by device/OS/browser-version ❸ Error rates (by device-version) ❹ Class error rate (error type) ❺ Browser error rate ❻ Page error rate
2. Daily Errors
You can check the error count trends and error count on a specific date by recording the error count by date for the last 15 days.
Weekly Web Crash: Counts the number of web crashes that occurred for the last 15 days.
If the error count increased sharply on a specific date, see if there were any changes in the app version in question. In addition, if you check both the session count and app launches on that date, it will be helpful to analyze the indexes that show the cause of the error.
3. Rate by device/OS/browser-version
You can check the rate of the errors occurring for the last 15 days by device, OS, and browser-version. (The storage period may vary depending on the customer.)
4. Error rates (by device-version)
You can check the total error count and the rate of several browsers on a cumulative bar graph based on a specific device. If you place a mouse pointer on the bar of individual devieces, tooltips will be displayed.
Total error count: Counts the number of errors occurred in the specific browser. You can check the error count by browser in the displayed tooltip.
Error count by browser: Counts the number of errors occurred in each browser.
The following can be analyzed using the index of the browser rate by device.
The browser with many errors.
The device with many errors.
The browser with many errors based on the device.
For example, if many errors occurred in Chrome browser of the Desktop, but the errors of Safari browser decreased dramatically in the Mobile, you can adjust browser optimization priorities for each actual user access device.
5. Class error rate (error type)
You can check the rate of the errors that occurred in a specific class(error type) for the past 15 days. (The storage period may vary depending on the customer.)
Error rate: Displays the rate of the errors occurred in each class(error type).
You can analyze the class that caused many errors.
6. Browser error rate
You can check the number of the errors occurred in a specific browser for the past 15 days. (The storage period may vary depending on the customer.)
Error Count: Counts the number of errors occurred in each browser.
You can analyze the browser that caused many errors. “Unknown Device” means the browser information was not collected. These include browsers that are not widely used by users or are new browsers.
7. Page error rate
You can check the rate of the errors occurring in a specific page for the past 15 days. (The storage period may vary depending on the customer.)
Error rate: Displays the rate of the errors occurred in each page.
You can analyze the page that caused many errors. If it is a page that is important to your business, you may decide that it needs quick improvement.
Last updated