Error details

The IMQA WCrash error details page enables you to analyze how many errors have occurred in a specific page URL and the user environment the error mainly occurred in. ou can check call stacks and error occurrence paths, and the administrator can attach a tag on the error in question, and record and check the handling process.

1. Overview

You can open this page if you click on a specific error on the “Dashboard” or “Error search”, and the IMQA WCrash error details page is composed of the following information.

❶ Error information ❷ Error frequency ❸ User information ❹ Tags ❺ Call stack

2. Error information

You can view error information and cumulative count, and the administrator can record and check the handling process.

❶ Error information Displays Error Type, Custom Error Message, and Code Line Number.

  • Error Instance: Displays the name of the caught error instance for the error.



This is the error type set by the user.


This error occurs in eval().


This error is generated when a variable is outside its valid range.


This error occurs when an incorrect reference is made.


It is an error if incorrect syntax exists.


If it is not a valid data type, it is a type error.


This error is generated when inappropriate parameters are passed to the encodeURI() or decodeURI() functions.


This is a type of error that wraps multiple errors into one error.

  • Custom Error Message: Displays a user-specified message when a specific error-type error is generated.

  • Page: Displays the URL of the page where the error occurred.

  • Code Line Number: Allows you to see the line number of the error.

For detailed web error analytics, you can collect custom errors by specifying the desired error messages. For Custom Error Messages, see "WPM Installation Guide > Custom Web Crash > Custom Error Messages."

❷ Status You can change the error handling status after checking the person in charge. If you click this button, options will be displayed that allow you to change the status. The criteria of changing the status is not determined separately, and the administrator can set it as follows at the discretion of the administrator.

  • New: If the error has newly occurred.

  • Open: If the person in charge has identified the cause and is handling the error.

  • Fixed: If the person in charge has completed handling.

  • Close: If the administrator finishes the handling of the error in question after checking.

Errors that have undergone a state change will remain in such state even if the same error occurs.

❸ Cumulative Displays the cumulative count of the error in question.

3. Daily Error Counts

You can record the number of daily counts of a given error over the past week to see the trend and number of errors on a given day.

  • Error count: Counts the number of errors per day for the past week

The Y-axis refers to the error count. It is easy to understand whether the error in question has also occurred in the specific date after handling it. In addition, if the error count increased sharply on a specific date, check to see if there were any factors that changed before or after that date.

4. User information

Displays how many times the error has occurred in a specific user environment for the last week.

  • Device: Displays the device of the user where the error occurred.They are categorized into “Desktop” and “Mobile” based on the user’s OS.

  • OS version: Displays the OS version of the user where the error occurred.

  • Browser/Version: Displays the user’s browser and its version.

User information is displayed based on the user’s User-Agent information when a user visits the website. IMQA WPM categorizes users by the OS and browser they use. OSs are typically categorized into Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux.

Browsers are generally categorized into Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Samsung Browser. An unspecified OS or browser may be labeled as “Unknown."

4.5. Tags

You can manage additional information about the error freely using a tag.

  1. Input a desired tag name for the tag and click the [+] icon.

  2. The entered tag will be displayed in the empty area below. Click the [X] icon to delete the tag.

The entered tag can be used as a search word in the “Error search” page. You can manage tags with the target user environment of the app and use the tag to record the occurrence situation, high resource usage, etc. However, you cannot enter a tag with the same name for one error.

4.6. Call stack

You can check the cause and location of occurrence by checking error occurrence stack information and the stack of all threads. The information related to the stack can be downloaded as a file and shared with other members.

❶ Error occurrence stack Displays the upper stack line in error stack information.

❷ Stack information Displays the stack information. You can refer to this information when analyzing the cause of errors more accurately.

❸ Download Raw File The information related to the stack can be downloaded as a *.txt, file and shared with other members. If you click [Download Raw File], the “stacktrace.txt” file is saved in the “Download” folder.

Last updated